Making epic messes and awesome memories...

About UnCamp at Rockhaven...

Rockhaven is an innovative summer camping program where free-play, nature-play, and child-led independent play is front and center.  We create a safe environment where creativity, curiosity, and imagination can flourish, where kids can just be kids, get a little (or maybe a lot) dirty, and play like kids are meant to play.  UnCamp at Rockhaven takes the schedules, the expectation, and the rules out of summer and puts back in; genuine play, natural curiosity, epic messes, muddy faces, sticky fingers and awesome memories that will last a lifetime.

Rockhaven’s UnCamp or Simply Camp philosophy has grown out of our need to reconnect to the things that really matter in life.  

With UnCamp, great care and thought is given to  equipping our staff and campers with the tools and resources they need to discover or invent activities, explore safely, create broadly, and listen to the world around them as well as their inner voice.  It is designed to allow the camper and/or staff the freedom to breathe and decompress, disconnect and settle into a community rhythm and flow.  This promotes a program that is ever changing and fresh, constantly recreated based on the creativity and spirit of the campers involved.  

UnCamp is uniquely Holy Spirit driven, outdoor play-based camping where we work hard at making it simple and letting kids… just be kids.  

Disconnect to Reconnect

Did you know that the average child spends 7.5 hours a day in front of a computer, a television, or some other electronic device?  And that was in 2014!

Today’s children have been called “the digital generation”, and it’s becoming all too easy for children to be consumed by technology.  Hey, technology is great in many ways and it provides a lot of opportunities for our children.  However, there is still something to be said for quiet moments and reconnection to God’s creation and each other.

Camp allows us the ability to connect on a more personal level and to  experience things and learn in ways that we often forget in the whirlwind of our busy lives.  

Tier Pricing:

 Tiered pricing is a personal pricing system that many summer camps across the country are now using.  Rockhaven works hard to keep fee increases to a minimum, while at the same time the costs to run a quality summer camp continue to increase.  Recognizing that families have different abilities to pay Rockahven is now using a voluntary three-tier fee program.  You may choose the tier that is most suitable for your family.  It is a “free-will” system; you pick the level that is comfortable and affordable for your family.   All children receive the same experience no matter what they pay.  

So... why would I pay more?

When you pay the Tier 2 or Tier 3 rate you take an active role in supporting the true cost of your child’s camp experience, which enables us to direct the contributions from our generous donors to support other areas of need in the camping ministry, including program, staffing and facility upgrades.

Please remember that in addition to these rates, additioanl financial assistance is available to ensure that all children have the opportunity to attend camp.  If additional assistance is necessary please apply for a campership via the link above. 

Example: Our 2023 Day Camp Fees:

Day camp starts at $225 per week, which includes transportation to and from camp from First Presbyterian Church in Bozeman, all activities, lunch and an afternoon snack.

All of our camps are on a voluntary three-tier pricing system that allows families to choose a price that feels the most comfortable.  No matter waht tier you choose, the amenities, activities, and camp experiences are the same.  It’s a way to make camp more affordable for more families.  Day camp tier prices are $225, $250, and $275.  You choose the price at registration.  


* NOTE; WilderArts, Explorers Teen Adventure and Seekers Camp are Resident Camps which run from 3:00 pm Sunday to 3:00 pm Friday.

** All DAY Camps Run from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. (Please drop off your camper between 8:30 am and 9:00 am at First Presbyterian Church for all Day Camp Programs). Bus leaves promptly at 9:00 am and will return at 5:00 pm for pick up.  

Camp Session Descriptions:

Register for camp now:

Register early online by following the online registration button anyplace on this site.  Registering online makes for improved communication, additional payment options and special early bird discounts as well as sibling and multi-session discounts.  By registering online you will help us control waste and keep our costs down since all medical forms and permission waivers are now online and will be completed during the registration process. 

Also, online registration will allow access to the EARLY BIRD discount of $25 off when registering before April 1st!

PLEASE NOTE: When registering online you will be required to pay 50% of your total and there is a $4.95 processing fee on all registrations, after initial 50% payment there are two pay periods on May 8th and June 8th for the remaining balance.  If you prefer you can pay the full amount when you register.  If you feel you cannot make these payments please contact our camp director Scott Thrasher to make other arangments or inquire about our campership program.  


Summer Theme 2023: (Updating Soon)

Coming Soon!


Frequently Asked Questions

What should I Pack?

A complete packing list for overnight camping can be found on our FORMS page or by clicking HERE.  For day campers, please consider weather conditions when preparing to come to camp.  We make some big messes at Rockhaven and don’t appolgize for it… a change of cloths and cloths that can get muddy and wet is a good idea.

Is there financial assistance ?

Yes absolutely!  Camp is for everyone and we believe that every child or youth should have the opportunity to attend camp.  The generous giving of supporters and First Presbyterian Church members subsidizes the ever growing cost of operating a camping ministry.  However, if you need assistance with the fee for camp, please find and complete the campership request form found HERE and we will contact you.

Can I send packages or letters to the camp?

Sure… just make sure you send them early so they will arrive while your campers is still at camp!  You can address all letters to your camper with the address 66850 Gallatin Rd. Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730.  If your letter is for the Rockhaven Director or board please then address to PO Box 1150 Bozeman, MT 59771 to assure delivery. 

I'm not presbyterian. Can I attend camp at Rockhaven?

Of course!  Campers come from many different faiths, including some who do not have a faith tradition.  Rockhaven welcomes every camper. Our summer staff members are all Christian, but not all are Presbyterian, either.  We do have a daily worship time where we sing songs, discuss the theme of the day and hear a brief message.  If you would like to speak with the Director to discuss these themes please call Scott at 406.586.9194 Ext. 267 or find the full theme description on this website.

What training does the staff have ?

Many of our Rockhaven staff have been campers at Rockhaven for many years, then counselors in training, Jr. Counselors and finally counselors.  We like it that way because it helps create a camp community with history.  However, regardless of whether a counselor has been around since they were 6 or just hired, all staff complete a week long staff training before camp.  Here they learn about Rockhaven operations, programming, child care, safety and emergency protocols, and take a full First Aid, Child and Adult CPR certification course.  In addition, all Rockhaven staff complete a comprehensive high ropes / challenge course training for the Rockhaven course.  

What is the camper to counselor ratio?

Typically, for overnight camp a camper will be in a group of 5-6 campers to 1 counselor.  We aim to keep day camp groups between 1:6 and 1:8 counselor to camper ratio.  We often will create family groups which is a girl group and a boy group with two counselors to rotate through various activities during the camp day.  Day camp maximum attendance is  typically no more than 40 campers and overnight camps maximum is around 30. 

Can you accommodate campers with special dietary needs?

One of the advantages of being a small camp is that we can usually accommodate the most common dietary restrictions, including allergies.  Please be specific when completing the registration and health forms at registration.  If the restriction is more than our single camp cook can accomodate you may send special food with prior arrangements. 

where do overnight campers stay?

Overnight campers stay in our bunkhouse which consist of 6 rooms, each with bunk beds.  Approximately 5-6 campers to 1 counselor sleep in these bunk rooms with a co-counselor/group in the adjoining room.  During elementary overnight camp we will often assign a Jr. Counselor as co-counselor to assist with the cabin group.  Bunkhouse rooms are lit and heated.  We have a detached washhouse for all shower or bathroom activity.